Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today has been..

Well its been a day. I think everyone has a turning point in their life, which can affect you in a good way or a bad way.. Depending on how you look at it.. At first I thought.. Bad.. and now I'm seeing... Very good. Through everything I have come to realize the things that never were important, are very important, and will always be important. I have an amazing life, and no one can take that away from me. I have an amazing family that can stick together through the absolute hardest times.. I love my sisters more than anything, and I know we'll always be close.. I wont even waste my time talking about my friends.. Actually.. I have great friends, and if it takes times like these to show me that, then I'm so fortunate for times like these. I have a boyfriend, Billy Wallace, who I absolutely adore! Rumors are rumors.. no matter which way you look at them. People will come and people will leave, i understand that. People you're sure you'll have forever can be gone in two hours.. I understand that too. No matter what people think of me, I know the truth. I know who I am and what I have done.. By going to church every week I'm not trying to put on a show or make people believe anything I'm trying to sell, I go because I need God. I need him so much and I'm not ashamed to admit it. We had a lesson a couple of weeks ago about how you will go through hard times, and these times will define your life. He kept saying if you're not in these times now you will be, to take his lesson and put it in your back pocket because you're gonna need it. I'm so glad that I held onto what he taught that night... Friends will come and they'll go. things will happen you never thought would happen to you in a million years, but these things that are happening to me are happening for a reason. Jason closes all the time by saying "if you don't leave with anything tonight I want you to get this.." that night he said "If you don't understand a thing tonight, Understand this- Jesus is all you need. You don't need friends, you don't need school, You need him and that's it. So no matter how bad your life is going God is always there, and he wants you just as bad as you want him." Last week we talked about how if we want change in our lives all we have to do is give our life to him.. Give him everything because he is so much bigger than all this. I have given everything to him.. and I couldn't be more ready for change. I have everything I need.. thats for certain. Im not trying to put on an "innocent girl" act. I dont need anyone to believe it, The only person that matters to me right now knows the truth, and thats more than enough for me.

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