Just because you and your small group of "real friends" (one that you cant stand) dont like me, it doesn't mean people want me to go away. I'm not going anywhere:) I said the preacher, not my preacher, read it again you'll see that. One question- If you don't like me so much and nobody likes me, answer me this, Why are you reading what I have to say? hahahaa. You sit in almost every class and talk about how your brother drinks and your dad does drugs, And you say things like "Ill kill my family" and all this crap, then you go and your all "I love Dr.Seuss, he's the man" then people bring it to your attention that hes a drunk and does drugs and you says its okay because he's Dr.Seuss. talk about a hypocrite. Keep talking about how I'm not a christian, you act like You re the only one allowed to follow God, newsflash, You're not. I'll go to church and I'll listen to the preacher because I need God. If you took the time to read that bible you carry around everyday you'd see that the things you re doing are wrong. I'm not going to sit here and tell you whats wrong with you because I don't condemn people, figure it out yourself; AND until you go to church with me, and see how I act you cant say that I only go there for guys because I don't, Anyone there can tell you that.
"You know you re better than that, You know you are."
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