everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty. the streets are paved with diamonds and there's just so much to see.
I've never been the type of person who is scared of new things, that's not my personality at all.
I have the memory of a goldfish, if not worse. Sometimes I consider that a good thing, like when I see something I wish I hadn't, but other times, when you cant remember what happened the night before, I hate it.
In a way I think it helps me to live life to the fullest, or at least my definition of fullest.
I've decided that I want to try something new, I'm not ready to let everyone know just what that is yet, but I'm pretty dang excited for it.
Compliments only go so far, and after a while they don't mean anything.
I remember when I was little how we all thought we were misunderstood and not treated like we were old enough, but i would give anything for those days.
I'm sure when I get older I'll see that My life now isn't as complicated as I think, but until I grow up and realize that, I'm fine with what I have.. even if it isn't much.
I know what goes around comes around; But, I also know, nobody deserves to be treated anything less than worthy.
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