Monday, February 9, 2009

Heres a fortune for your disaster..

Today was okay, It started off awful, I woke up really early really sick:/ so that was absolutely no fun.. But I went back to sleep and when I woke up around 12 I felt much better. Since I am going to Clevelands prom, Mom and I went prom dress shopping and I found the perfect one, I absolutely love it. So I am pretty happy that's finished with. I am going to the basketball games tonight with Billy, I'm pretty excited. The best part about today would most definitely be the weather though. I am a summer girl, all the way around, and the fact that its higher than 30 F I am super happy. I'm going to the beach for Spring Break and I cant wait to get a tan!! Then after that Were going June 24Th through July 4, I cant wait!!! Okay, well I am going to get ready for the games, but I have to take Bentley outside first:(

she's not the type of girl to wait by the phone. she
won't cry; she knows it'll get her nowhere. she'll laugh
a lot & often. and she'll live her own life. she'd like you
to be a part of it.. but she'll do just fine without you

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