Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I know who I am and I know Im not able..

I love you more than anything, Ive said it before and ill say it a hundred more times if I have to. I wanted this.. I did. But Things change, people dont. Trying to make me into someone Im not is where you first went wrong. Then managing to spit out all the bad things you could possibly think of was your next mistake. This has been coming for a long time, and youd be lying if you said you didnt feel it to. I can tell by the way you just start to spit out problems every chance you get. There are problems, I get that 110 is a lot. A whole lot. Im only sixteen. All these things are still at the scary point for me.. way scary. Id rather be protected and shielded than forced to grow up. I love you, but I dont want this anymore. Its too hard, and I admit I give up, but not for lack of effort. I know that I need to focus on the more important things right now, and ive taken my mind off of some pretty big things for you. But for now im done with relationships, Im taking my time to build my main relationship. Please please understand, Im not giving up on you, just tuning in to something bigger.
Forever and always.

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