new favorite song.
Grad Smackdown game has disappeared, along with those possible bonus points. Woah, big let down there... I'm being completely serious.
I saw Friday the 13th last night, cried all the way home.. talk about scary... Axes and mishedies should stay in sheds, along with creepy old-little drowned boys.
So thanks to Jamie, Michell Davis (shown below) is my new hero. Seriously, funniest person I've never met. Youtube him. 

Tomorrow is the girls game at Jaksonville, pretty excited. Whiteoutmuch? I will hopefully be driving to that game, otherwise i'll be finding a last minute ride, so If you see me on the side of the road with my thumb torwards the sky.. s l o w d o w n.
I'm tired of being in the computer lab and I've run out of things to write. Thanks to my forgetfulness my locker smells like s&h$%*.
Random thoughts:
braces.. disappearing
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